Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sweet Papaya

Sweet Papaya is a self-serve frozen yogurt shop on Lancaster St. NE in Salem, Oregon. I ventured to Sweet Papaya to see how this place stacks up with other fro-yo places I've been to.

Several bowls to choose from...even some frilly-looking bowls (toppings on the lip of those)
Pretty much the norm on prices
White Chocolate Macadamia sounds good.
Chocolate is just can get that anywhere.
Irish Mint? Sure!
Country Vanilla? Um, no, that sounds too plain for me.
Sweet Mango sorbet? Eh, maybe, but I passed this time.
Pomegranate Raspberry sounds more exotic to me.
To my slight disappointment, only three of the ten flavors intrigued me even the slightest. The others were either pedestrian flavors or takes on traditional flavors (such as making a flavor but with no sugar added). A real small serving resulted, and I just paid $1.52.

Irish Mint (green)
White Chocolate Macadamia (white)
Pomegranate Raspberry Sorbet (red)
My thoughts on the flavors:

Irish Mint: I really liked this one. Creamy, yogurt goodness, meet yummy mint flavor. My favorite of the three by a landslide.

White Chocolate Macadamia: I got the chocolate, but I wish the macadamia came through a bit more. I know it's yogurt, but something inside me wanted actual macadamia nuts in the mixture.

Pomegranate Raspberry Sorbet: Nice bold pomegranate and raspberry flavors. Pretty refreshing and light. But again, it didn't blow me away. Irish Mint's awesomeness left this in the dust.

The Irish Mint yogurt left me a very happy panda. The problem is, not very many unique yogurt flavors accompanied this Homecoming Queen (or, sure, Homecoming King for the ladies) candidate to the prom. Sweet Papaya is in a respectable location, with bright, happy decor. Customers will show up to have frozen yogurt or sorbet, trust me.

But for me, Sweet Papaya is an average place. It's not likely that just one good, unique flavor (Irish Mint) will keep me returning very often. But I still give Sweet Papaya credit for putting that one out for the public! 5.5/10

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